Cybertag equipment in the Novosibirsk new arena

The approaching cold season makes people change the way they plan their time off. No one wants to stay outside in the cold weather, everyone tries to find a warm and cosy place for themselves. Now in their free time people prefer to read books, watch movies, play bowling, go to cafes and shopping centres.
Laser tag blasters are dumped in the loft for now. Seems like game battles on laser tag recreation grounds will not take place any time soon… Yet would you like to play, be part of a team again, defeat the enemy with your blaster and hear that special sound notifying about the hit? LASERWAR company has been developing indoor equipment to ensure that the game always gives the players exceptional experiences. Our equipment is popular around the world. The good news is that yet one more club in Novosibirsk is using our equipment. So the people of Novosibirsk can have a great time at weekends with their friends all year round.
We are going to talk about the “Zviozdniy Portal” laser tag arena located on the left bank in Novosibirsk, in the “Gorski” shopping centre, part of the Magic Park children’s entertainment centre. It is there that single-minded people who enjoy leisure activities, in particular indoor laser tag, get together.
We would like to remind you that real indoor laser tag is organized in special labyrinths equipped with special effects and lively music. This is normally a team game, where each team defends its part of arena with a special target. For hitting the target the enemy is awarded the maximum number of points and usually wins the round. Points are awarded for hitting players – each of them must wear a special vest, which responds to infrared rays.
The game area is represented by a labyrinth with special partitions and obstructions. A lot has been done to achieve the futuristic atmosphere in the arena: by going through the “Zviozdniy Portal” you experience the atmosphere of circus with intense colours and bright flashes. That is the reason why kids love that place, for the surrounding invite to join the game. In addition, a great number of images, photographic wallpaper, sprung floor, scattered all over UV-lights, mini stroboscopes and 2 laser machines make this an ideal recreation place.
The overall labyrinth area is 250 square metres.
Besides the labyrinth itself, there is a guest area in the “Zviozdniy Portal”, where the players prepare for the game and get instructions on the game rules. Besides, here you will find everything for a comfortable waiting time: comfy sofas, over 30 fruit machines, air hockey. The overall area of the reception is over 1000 square metres. At last, one can chill out after steaming battles and share new experiences in a welcoming café in the immediate vicinity of the battlefield.
If you have never heard of this exciting game with laser guns, now is time to make the first steps and learn about the history of development of this thrilling game. For laser tag has been well known throughout the world for many years now. A plain amusement grew to become a real sport, and became a real passion for those who prefer spending free time with their friends instead of playing computer games.
Don’t miss your chance to experience a new universe of dynamic battleships and unexpected events!