No better sound yet

A week ago we wrote about how we changed the approach to developing CYBERTAG scenarios. We came up with a convenient system, which allows for game variation limited only by one’s imagination. Yet besides the scenarios, light and a balance of details, any arena is memorized by its sound arrangement.
Any detail matters here: starting from the background music to the sounds that dub players’ actions. The background sound creates the general mood of the arena, influences the game dynamics, and players’ involvement in the game. The sounds used for notifying about the events are a nice addition no modern laser tag ground in the world can do without.
Conservative indoor laser tag manufacturers limit their range to a standard selection of tunes and sounds. On the one hand, the client gets the sounds that match really well with the general layout. On the other hand, regular laser tag arena visitors get quickly bored with the never changing melodies.
LASERWAR program specialists decided not to limit the users. Now the arena soundtrack may be personalized up to the smallest detail. The developed method allows to add any soundtrack to the events that take place on the arena. You can use “Star Wars” soundtrack, tunes from the “Star Track”, thus creating for the players the atmosphere of their favorite games and films. The tracks you choose can make your arena a real hit and will make people will come back again and again.
All the files are arranged into playlists, so you will not need to waste your time on creating the arena sound arrangement. The convenient interface of the CYBERTAG configuration file will give the user a hint to which event each soundtrack is attached. You can use any format: mp3, way-files, the program is compatible with all of them.
We have given an account of soundtrack setup in the CYBERTAG instructions manual. If you still have questions and you don’t know the answer – our technical support team will help you make your arena very special indeed.
The convenience of this setting can be evaluated right now by updating your configuration file to the latest version, or by downloading one from our website.