Our latest version of the CYBERTAG configurator

The distinctive feature of the latest configurator version is that the added features affect every detail of the game process. Laser tag equipment manufacturers commonly advertise a fixed set of scenarios. There may be five or six of them – it doesn’t really matter, their number is limited. This significantly limits options for the buyer: to play a new game, one has to wait for the next update, or discuss the matter with the manufacturer as a personal matter.
Such is not the case for the indoor CYBERTAG equipment. Owing to our program specialists effort, a scenario editor was added to the program. It can be used to create any game variation. The convenient program interface and clear structure helps set up absolutely everything: shot damage, vests flickering frequency, players score update, etc. The editor can be used to create a union/ sequence of events, actions and parameters, thus personifying the game process on the arena. The flexible settings system allows to edit the default scenarios too: if any of the variations of the games seems to lack dynamism – change the elements of the game chain and get the desired result.
The designers did their best too. The user will not get confused in the list of conditions, events, objects, actions and parameters. Gradually the program itself will indicate which elements have to be added, which events have to be changed. Interface elements backlight, drop down menus, joining the key points with a line – this all was introduced for our customers’ convenience. So, anyone can now create a new scenario, or edit the old one. Should it happen that any questions arise, and they cannot be solved during the first 5 minutes of working with the program, please refer to the instructions manual, or write to our technical support team.
Besides that, we have added the option to work with interactive game bases, they will be announced this month. Interactive game bases have already been implemented in our country’s 5 arenas, where they are displaying stable and reliable work results. We have given proper attention to vests replacement: now when one vest becomes out of order, it may be replaced by a new one, without the loss of statistic data. The new vest details will not have to be added to the program and its belonging to a particular team does not have to be stated. Game strikes are as short as they can be, which is essential in the conditions of indoor laser tag dynamic battles.
The unlimited number of scenarios, interactive game bases, user-friendly settings, tried and tested interface design – this is what CYBERTAG is all about. Are you searching for a profitable business area? Our company’s indoor equipment is a great choice.
You can send your offers and suggestions to our e-mail: info@laserwar.ru