Latest laser tag news

Good lighting is everything

Good lighting is everything

We can get really creative as we build shape, direct light onto details that need to be illuminated, hide secret corners, attribute game functions to the interior accessories. This article is devoted to the maze – the place where the game itself takes place. We are not going to mention the waiting room or the […]

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Indoor laser tag as a serious business: where to begin?

Indoor laser tag as a serious business: where to begin?

If you made up your mind to get involved with indoor laser tag, rest assured you can’t go wrong with it. This business is for people who are single-minded and determined to succeed. You are about to start a new interesting job and make lots of discoveries. There are adversities in any business. In spite […]

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Laser tag arena: general principles

Laser tag arena: general principles

What games do adults who grew up on “Star Wars” play? Space shooting computer games and certainly laser tag! Known to many as laser paintball, indoor laser tag is an exciting game, which imitates a military engagement. It takes place in a specially equipped fantasy style maze. The main idea of laser tag, enjoyed equally […]

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Overseas manufactures of laser tag arenas

Overseas manufactures of laser tag arenas

Laserwar is starting its review of overseas manufacturers of play arenas. We hope our review will dispel all your fears and will help you choose the manufacturer of the equipment you need. 1. Lasertron This is one of the first laser tag equipment manufacturers. laserTron, Inc. is one of the founders of game industry. After starting […]

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Cybertag equipment in the Novosibirsk new arena

Cybertag equipment in the Novosibirsk new arena

The approaching cold season makes people change the way they plan their time off. No one wants to stay outside in the cold weather, everyone tries to find a warm and cosy place for themselves. Now in their free time people prefer to read books, watch movies, play bowling, go to cafes and shopping centres. […]

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Indoor laser tag: game scenarios

Indoor laser tag: game scenarios

It is common knowledge that indoor laser tag is an exciting game imitating battle actions. The battle takes place on an enclosed territory – a specially equipped labyrinth, specially designed in fantasy style. On the one hand, an enclosed territory is a considerable limitation, but on the other hand, no matter how paradoxical it may […]

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Indoor laser tag for adults: happiness is nearby!

Indoor laser tag for adults: happiness is nearby!

Indoor laser tag surroundings seem to suit kid’s battles more: gleaming pictures on the walls, flashing lights on players’ vests and weapons, electronic music… But statistic data shows that more and more serious grown-ups that can hardly be accused of being silly and immature, are getting in the game. And their number is growing. So […]

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The labyrinth: build one by ourselves or buy a ready-made?

The labyrinth: build one by ourselves or buy a ready-made?

The questions all new laser tag business owners face are: “Shall I buy a ready-made labyrinth or build one by myself?” we cannot give a simple answer to this question. Every business variety (even from the same branch) is specific. Writing down a guide is same as giving advice on how to refurbish a flat. […]

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The reception area: greeting customer professionally

The reception area: greeting customer professionally

The reception area must be both inviting and functional. Client distribution is going to happen at this particular place. The purpose of this area is to provide customers with the most detailed information about the arena. The entrance area should be designed in the same manner as the labyrinth, although this is not paramount. It […]

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Indoor laser tag: looking for a place

Indoor laser tag: looking for a place

Due to the fact that indoor laser tag is a stationary game, your foremost goal is to find a place for setting up a proper playground. This place must have several important features: 1. It must be spacious The size area of the labyrinth depends on the potential number of players: 10 to 50 players (but possibly […]

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